This is just poetry. It won't save you, but it may locate you so that a rescue party can be sent out. — Dean Blehert

Friday, April 3, 2009


"I had to force myself to do it..." --
how does one force oneself?
One must become two to be a problem.

Problems are convenient for those
who aren't the problem, since problems
stay right where they are, expending themselves,
against themselves, part of the landscape.

Problems are no problem at all,
but beware of solutions.
Hitler, for example, was a solution.
He had no problem with himself.
We had to oppose him and become
one side of a new problem.

Once, perhaps, Hitler was a problem,
a precarious balance of jaw-breaking forces,
holding him immobile -- and how clever of him
to solve his problem and become our problem.

[Note: Interesting, by the way, that his most nightmarish creation was called "The Final Solution...." It seems there is no final solution to anything in this universe. Any solution has two sides: One side faces what it solves. The other faces away, and becomes the next (and worst) problem yet. When I see people "solving" our economy, I feel a need to hide the silverware. Not that there aren't ways to handle things or improve conditions, but that to do this, it helps to see the situation as something other than a problem.]

There was a typo in the following poem sent you yesterday:

Distant Music

She seemed mysterious, standing there
(waiting, as was I, for an elevator),
swaying slightly, eyes far away,

Then I noticed, obscured
by her earrings, the earplug, the wire
leading to her tiny Sony -- heard

(tiny and far away, but
devoid of mystery) the music
to which she swayed.

[The typo was in the third line from the end, which, in yesterday's mailing, was "(tiny and far away, but no".]

Dean Blehert
Blogs: (short poems) (essays and longer poems)
New book (Deanotations, Volume 1) available at

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